Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Now it's your turn

Alright folks, you've been very helpful as we've been working on this plan over the past year, and now we have two more HUGE favors to ask:

1. Please attend the Plan Commission public hearing on May 20 @ 6 pm to review and comment on the Draft Plan.
2. The Draft Plan needs help! There are lots of words and some helpful maps, but it still lacks that "personal touch" that only you can provide. So we're asking you to take a photograph of something you LOVE about your Town - could be a business, person, house, park, the River, whatever you like. Once you've got that photo taken, e-mail it to me at rgarcia@rhbatterman.com and I will put it into the plan. If you can't send a digital pic, let me know and I'll take care of it!

Thanks everyone, for all of your help throughout the process. hope to see you next week.

Planners Want Input on Town of Beloit Smart Growth Plan May 20

Just a reminder - the Plan Commission will conduct a special meeting next Wednesday to review the Draft Comprehensive Plan and possibly refer it to the Town Board for adoption. Come on out!

Wednesday,May 20 at 6 pm, the draft of the Town's Comprehensive Plan, commonly referred to as a “Smart Growth” plan, will be presented for public hearing before the Town Plan Commission and, if approved by the Plan Commission, recommended to the Town Board for adoption. Through a series of public participation activities, this Plan has been in development over the past several years. Drawing heavily on community input received throughout the process, the Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, policies, and recommended actions related to future land use, transportation, economic development, housing, natural resource preservation, community facilities, and intergovernmental relations in the Town. The public hearing represents the final step before the plan is officially adopted, and therefore is one of the last opportunities for public input on the “draft” plan. All interested community members are encouraged to participate in this event.

A copy of the draft is available at the Town Hall, The Beloit Public Library, and online at the Town's Smart Growth Page (http://sites.google.com/site/townofbeloitsmartgrowth/Home).
Details on the Public Hearing:Wednesday, May 20 @ 6 p.mBeloit Town Hall
2871 S. Afton Road, Beloit WI

More information can be attained by visiting the Town’s “Smart Growth Blog” at http://beloitsmartgrowth.blogspot.com or by contacting the Town Hall (608.364.2980).