Monday, September 29, 2008

Goals and Objectives to be Finalized at October 8 Meeting

As part of its Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning process, the Town of Beloit is inviting people who live, work, play, rent, or own property in the Town to join in a focused discussion on the community’s goals, objectives, values, and vision with respect to its Comprehensive “Smart Growth” Plan. The meeting, to be held on Wednesday, October 8 at the Beloit Town Hall, is to be hosted by the Town Plan Commission and will be facilitated by professional planners from RH Batterman & Company, a Town of Beloit-based Surveying, Engineering, and Planning firm since 1917. Over the course of several meetings, the Town has come together to focus on important long-range issues such as land use, housing, parks, and transportation, and the October 8 meeting will tie together the critical goals that emerged from those meetings and direct the rest of the Planning process. All members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate. A working draft of the Town's Smart Growth Goals and Objectives can be found at the Town's Smart Growth Website. The meeting details:
Smart Growth Goals & Objectives Workshop
Wednesday, October 8 – 4:15 p.m.
Beloit Town Hall
2871 South Afton Road (County Road D)